Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

With 3 events throughout Europe the purpose of the Cream Teas and Jam series is to showcase the fun and creativity of the worlds fastest growing sport. All riders are encouraged to enter, from first time beginners to seasoned pro riders, the only intention is to have... read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

MBS Europe on Twitter

The latest craze online is Twitter. It is getting massive and more and more of you are tweeting. We were feeling kind of left out so we are getting involved and tweeting too. You can follow us on Twitter by visiting and clicking on the... read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

MBS Pro Ramp at Outdoor Show 2009

Again the MBS Pro Ramp was booked in for the Outdoor Show at the NEC. The whole event is sponsored by Ordenance Survey and caters for all kinds of outdoor activities. This was our first ramp event of the year and it was great to see all the team back together and... read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

MBS Demo and Test day at Bugsboarding

We had a little day where we invited the trade as well as the locals to come down to Bugsboarding and try out the new board range. On top of this we set up the MBS Pro Ramp for the first time this year so the team could get some practice in before their first proper... read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

MBS Europe on Youtube

Video over the web has become such a big thing in the last couple of years. Many of you will already know about our Youtube channel as we have had one for a while now, but for those who dont know – we have a Youtube channel. This is simply a place where we can... read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

MBS Europe on Facebook

Join the MBS Mountainboards fan page on Facebook! You will be in great company as loads of our team riders and fellow MBS fans are already on there. Pretty much everybody is on Facebook nowadays so there is really no reason not to. read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

ATBA-UK AGM and Prize Giving 2008

The end of the competition season was held at Bugsboarding Mountainboard Centre on October 11th and 12th. The prizes were given out for this seasons competitions and it was another chance for everybody to get together. The ATBA-UK took advantage of having everyone... read more
Cream Teas and Mountainboard Jam

Whitlingham Outdoor Ramp Show and Skate

The Whitlingham Outdoor event went down really well. It was a last minute booking for the MBS Pro Ramp and also part of the build up to the 2012 Olympics. It was a pretty impressive show. The Norwich Fat Face store were out in force supporting us and helping promote... read more