Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

There is no other rider as talented as Lewis Wilby when it comes to land based kiteboarding. He comes up with no end of innovative tricks. This video gives us a totally new insight into what it looks like from his perspective as he works on his low level and ground... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Mountainboarding on Rails

Rails are a pretty new thing in mountainboarding. Relatively few riders can actually do much on them other than grind down them on their trucks. Sure all mountainboard centres have a few little rails, but kids can hit these within an hour of first stepping foot on a... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

MBS Europe Demo at Scouts Jamboree

I am not sure exactly on the date of this one. My guesses are 2007 though. It was one of the first major MBS Pro Ramp displays at the Scouts Jamboree and as you can see despite the damp weather it went down a storm. Scout events are always fun to perform at. This was... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Winter Training at Mount Hawk Skate Park

Ollie Morrison, Tom & Mick Kirkman head down to Mount Hawk Skate Park in Truro, Cornwall for some winter training. The snow and general wetness before and after Christmas has meant outdoor mountainboard sessions are hard to come by. You have to keep riding... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Outdoor Show 2009 at the NEC

Last year the Outdoor Sports Show at the NEC in Birmingham was our first demo of the season. A time to get used to mountainboarding again after a really wet and cold winter. The team were on form and you can tell from the smiles on their faces. Video edited by Tom... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Mountainboard centres in the snow

As you may have noticed, the UK has been pretty much covered in snow for the last week or so. This has meant that mountainboarding (with wheels at least) has pretty much been off the cards. The same applies for kiteboarding with wheels. Whilst stripping the trucks off... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Joe Dickson reports from Oz

It seems to be the place to go this winter. Both Joe Dickson and fellow Pro Team Rider but on the kite side of things Mark Berry have headed out there to get away from the cold. Here is what he has to say: So I’m out in Australia getting away from the UK... read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Paul Taylor Eden Project Photos

A while back we mentioned that ATC Productions had organised a mountainboard demo at the Eden Project. Paul Taylor was on hand to capture the moment. There are some amazing shots in there and the Eden Project makes a great back drop too. read more
Lewis Wilby head cam and board cam video

Tom Kirkman in Brazil

Tom flew out to Brazil to take part in a competition but had plenty of time to chill out, ride, and get down with the way of life in southern Brazil. I know they loved having him there and he loved being there too. One thing however was the heat. It was really hot... read more