MBS Mountainboards

Mountainboard centres in the snow

As you may have noticed, the UK has been pretty much covered in snow for the last week or so. This has meant that mountainboarding (with wheels at least) has pretty much been off the cards. The same applies for kiteboarding with wheels. Whilst stripping the trucks off your deck is fun for a bit, it is pretty hard to do much more than straightline down the hill. For this reason most of us have resorted to snowboarding. Here is a picture of our new local snow park (formerly Bugsboarding mountainboard centre). The last couple of days have been a bit on the warm side of things however we are hoping for more snow tonight. As you can see there are all the usual kickers and rails which work great with a snowboard. On Friday night we had a couple of generators and some lights and tunes. It was like a normal day at Bugs just under snow – quite surreal.

bugsboarding sunset on the snow

bugsboarding snowpark setup

bugsboarding night snow with lights

Tom Kirkman and co down in Cornwall have also had a lot of snow and have had to resort to snowboarding for their daily fix. As you can see, Tom’s back garden which features in so many of his mountainboard videos is also now doubling as an excellent little jib park. It also shows just how easy the transition between mountainboarding and snowboarding really is.

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