Mark Berry and Friends

Mark Berry and Friends

A new video from MBS Pro Kite Team rider Mark Berry plus friends. The video was shot during June and July 2009 at Goring Gap in Worthing. Mark shows off his usual style with massive airs, lots of spins and some huge kite loops. This showcases exactly why our riders... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

Master of the Hill 2009

Master of the Hill from nielegal on Vimeo. All mountainboarders are invited to attend the mountainboard contest Master of the Hill which will take place on 25th July 2009 on the Kotelnica in BiaÅ‚ka TatrzaÅ„ska. It’s the greatest mountainboarding event of the... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

Marcin Skubisz

We have team riders all over Europe. The usual suspects tend to receive more exposure than many of our other riders but that is normally due to how often we get to see them and how popular the sport is in their country. We like to try and support all our riders though... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

ATBA-UK Round 1 this weekend

Just a little reminder that this weekend (17th-19th July) will be the first event of the 2009 UK series at Southwest Extreme (formerly SWMBC), Bideford. Some of the MBS crew have been down there helping to build the jumps and groom it a bit. It should be a solid event... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

New website and newsletter

We have finally found time to redo our website which had been running since 2005. It was tired and terribly outdated making updating hard and far from quick. Our new site is simple and easy to navigate. We hope to be able to keep everyone updated on all things going... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

MBS at the Slingshot Party 2009

Mark Berry and Tom Beaton road tripped it up for a weekend in France at the Slingshot Party 2009. The event was held in the Le Touquet which according to wikipedia has a reputation as the most elegant holiday resort of northern France, the playground of rich... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

Mountainboard demo at the Eden Project

Tom Kirkman was approached by the Eden Project to put on a mountainboard display at the popular tourist attraction down in Cornwall. Together with fellow MBS Team riders Jamie Johnstone, Mick Kirkman, Matt Brind and a couple of other friends the event was organised.... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

2009 Mountainboard Championships

The ATBA have released their program for 2009. Round one takes place on the 17-19th of July at Southwest Extreme (formerly SWMBC) in Bideford. Round two is 14-16th August at The Edge, Much Wenlock. The final round of the year is on the 4-6th September at Hales... read more
Mark Berry and Friends

MBS Pro Ramp at Mini United

This is a show we had been excited about for a while. The event had received a lot of hype and had some big names signed up. We had been promised big crowds and to top it all off, the forecasts looked great. When we got there however the weather looked distinctly wet.... read more