Ollie Morrison is a legend in mountainboarding. He has been around since the very early days and been one of the top riders for years. Ollie has been very involved with the UK scene with everything from competing in the UK series to writing for ATB Mag. He now rides for the MBS Pro Team and takes part in many of the MBS Pro Ramp demos around the UK. Ollie has been all over Europe competing and performing for crowds. He is famous for his corked 7s and his unique style which makes him stand out from the crowd. His freestyle skills have placed him consistently in the top 5 for the last few years. As well as being a great mountainboarder, Ollie is a very good skateboarder and is frequently found in Exeter skate park.
Quickfire round
rides: mbs pro 100
born: 1988
birth place: in a barn.
hometown: Sidbury
likes: mountainboarding, skateboarding, mini ramp, drums, eating, being an idiot
dislikes: body armour, face stacks
music: there is a time and a place for everything.
films: terminator 2
food: fish and chips, cereal
drink: milk, stella, jd (though not at the same time)
sponsors: mbs, hill62, mum.
personal quote: “It’ll be fine.â€