
MBS has always believed in supporting riders. From the very start we have done our best to help our riders develop their skills, travel to events and help spread the word. We support riders at all levels, from juniors to masters and are always on the look out for talent and great ambassadors.

The shape of the team has evolved over the years from our early competition teams, to the Pro Ramp Team, the Hire and Ride Team and our freeride team. Many great riders have been part of the team at various points over the years. There are still a bunch of legends we continue to support when needed.

Meet the Team

Today the core of our MBS Europe team revolves around Amon and Emlyn who are leading the charge in terms of competitions, freeriding and media on both regular mountainboards and eboards. 

The MBS Family

The wider MBS family including MBS founders Jason and Joel Lee, and Aussie ripper Dylan Warren form the core of what keeps MBS moving forward.