Interview with Tom Kirkman from

Interview with Tom Kirkman from

The guys over at have done a really nice interview with Cornishman and Mountainboard World Freestyle Champion Tom Kirkman. They talk to him in his back yard and show some footage from the summer when he was riding at his best. Tom tells us a little about... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

The first MBS Pro Ramp mountainboarding demo

We have a bit of a pile of tapes which have been recorded over the years and we are steadily working our way through them and knocking up some videos. We have just done so much and it is not until you sit there and see all this footage that you realise. This video was... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

Eden Project mountainboarding demo video

Back in July we wrote about the mountainboarding demo at the Eden Project that was organised by Tom Kirkman and co. Now we have a video of the day too. It just shows how versatile mountainboarding is and how easily we can do demos practically anywhere. The riders... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

Mountainboarding in skate parks

As winter sets in and fields get increasingly muddy one option is to move to mountainboarding the skate parks. Not all indoor skate parks will allow mountainboards but many will. The public skateparks will obviously be no problem. This video by Tom Kirkman features... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

Surf the Turf

We have over the years been involved with loads of different mountainboard centres. Some are bigger than others, and get to host lots of events and we hear a lot more about them. There are some really good centres which do not get as much attention. One of these is... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

Lewis Wilby Videos

Lewis has run his own Lewis Wilby dot com website for a couple of years now. He has kept all his media information updated and a bunch of cool pictures and videos. He has just done a big update getting loads of videos of him from over the last few years together. The... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

FX Pro Heelstraps finally back in stock

Thats right people. You heard it right. After months of struggling to keep these in stock for more than 2 minutes we have had another delivery and cleared all the back orders. If yours are looking shoddy now is the time to upgrade. The heelstraps themselves have been... read more
Interview with Tom Kirkman from

MBS Team at Bugs riding the mini ramp

The day after our last demo at Xperience 09 festival some of the team headed down to Bugsboarding Mountainboard Centre. There they had a play on some of the jumps, helped out teaching kids and had an epic session on the mini ramp. Luckily the camera was recording and... read more